We from Kaiser-Amm know no standstill and strive every day to the front. We are happy to keep you up to date on current research and construction projects, innovations or inspiration in the field of technical building equipment.


Why does construction need new methods? Episode 1 of our video series "Revolutionary building with BIM".

Berlin Airport and Hamburg's Elbe Philharmonic Hall have clearly shown us in Germany what goes wrong in construction. There's no question about it:…

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Revolutionary building with BIM - video series with Peter Kaiser

Why do construction projects take longer than planned? How can costs be so out of line? Why do so many projects fail in the planning phase? Our new…

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Now new: The KAISER-AMM YouTube channel

KAISER-AMM goes YouTube: We cordially invite you to discover our new channel and be inspired by our contributions on the building of the future. We…

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Intelligent infrastructures and buildings

Follow-up report to the DKE / ZVEH conference

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Kaiser meets Malaysian nobility

Entrepreneur meeting in Rostock

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Technology for a better life

Impressive development of a traditional Forchheim company

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Editorial Peter Kaiser
Peter Kaiser

Since time immemorial, people have dreamed this one dream: that of their "own home", the "roof over their head" and later that of their "own four walls".

It is based on the most intimate needs such as protection and care - elementary components of our being and our responsibility for others - of our family and everything that is "dear and dear" to us - are the basis.

But these innermost drives also include characteristics of our life in large communities - cohesion and togetherness on the one hand - prestige, demarcation and individuality on the other.

After the many epochs of architectural history, we are now faced with a completely new dimension - one that incorporates the previously unknown dimensions into the "house": The digital age as a new basic human need - whether private or professional. And this is exactly where we are "at home": we are the specialists for such requirements - we face up to this responsibility. With practical experience like no other, we accompany you in your ideas and dreams - no matter how unusual they may seem. We are "designers" and not "technicians" - always on the lookout for new challenges - in town and country - on mountains or in valleys - in the cold or the desert. With us there is nothing "off the peg".

together with you we develop your projects and realize your dreams.

Or to talk to Julia Engelmann: "Let's write stories together that we'll remember later."

We look forward to it - and to you.

Peter Kaiser