Fifth networking meeting of the "Community of Practice: Nursing and AAL"

On July 13th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the ZD.B Digital Health/Medicine topic platform, together with the speakers of the Community of Practice (CoP) Nursing and AAL (Ambient Assisted Living), Bruno Ristok (C&S GmbH) and Peter Kaiser (Kaiser-Amm GmbH), will be hosting the fifth networking meeting of the "Community of Practice: Nursing and AAL". Join us for this event and engage in discussions on the topic: "How does innovative technology enter nursing care?" The CoP meeting will take place online and is free of charge.

To register, click here!


During the networking meeting, we will explore the question of how innovative technology can be integrated into nursing care. Innovative technologies are a fundamental requirement for digitalization and innovation in nursing care. However, the next step is equally essential: How can we ensure that these innovative technologies are implemented in practice? What does such a process look like in a care facility? What challenges exist? What political or other conditions need to be met? The CoP Nursing and AAL will address these and other questions on July 13th.


  • Greeting

  • Lecture: Necessary political conditions for successful innovation in nursing care - Personnel key technology - Prof. Jürgen Zerth, Professor of Management in Social and Healthcare Institutions, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

  • Lecture: Case study - How digitalization works in a nursing facility - Michael Wehner, Managing Director, Saaleufer Senior Home

  • Diskussion und Ausblick

For detailed information about the program and speakers, click here!

Editorial Peter Kaiser
Peter Kaiser

Since time immemorial, people have dreamed this one dream: that of their "own home", the "roof over their head" and later that of their "own four walls".

It is based on the most intimate needs such as protection and care - elementary components of our being and our responsibility for others - of our family and everything that is "dear and dear" to us - are the basis.

But these innermost drives also include characteristics of our life in large communities - cohesion and togetherness on the one hand - prestige, demarcation and individuality on the other.

After the many epochs of architectural history, we are now faced with a completely new dimension - one that incorporates the previously unknown dimensions into the "house": The digital age as a new basic human need - whether private or professional. And this is exactly where we are "at home": we are the specialists for such requirements - we face up to this responsibility. With practical experience like no other, we accompany you in your ideas and dreams - no matter how unusual they may seem. We are "designers" and not "technicians" - always on the lookout for new challenges - in town and country - on mountains or in valleys - in the cold or the desert. With us there is nothing "off the peg".

together with you we develop your projects and realize your dreams.

Or to talk to Julia Engelmann: "Let's write stories together that we'll remember later."

We look forward to it - and to you.

Peter Kaiser